Grants and Schemes
The FIG Department of Agriculture does not align itself with any particular grant body but wished to assist with information sharing should land owners wish to apply to grants available.
The FIG Department of Agriculture will aim to keep this information as up to date as possible, adding existing grants as they become available and editing information on available grants if they change.
The Environmental Studies Budget
The Environmental Studies Budget grant scheme aims to help Falkland Islanders promote, conserve and protect our globally-significant biodiversity. Grants will support awareness-raising, research or conservation/ management activities that benefit the Falklands’ environment. These grants run annually. The grant is open to individuals as well as organisations located within the Falkland Islands.
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their projects with the Environment Department beforehand and the Department can offer advice. You can contact them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Darwin Plus Local
Darwin Plus Local is a new scheme within the existing UK government’s Darwin Plus fund, which funds projects to protect the unique biodiversity and improve resilience to climate change within the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs).
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their projects with the Environment Department beforehand and the Department can offer advice. You can contact them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
More information about the Darwin Plus Local can be found on the following websites:
FIDC Grants and Loans
FIDC administers loan and grant funding schemes for both the business and domestic community including the new FIDC Green Business Programme, established to support the Falkland Islands’ aspirations as a community to be more environmentally focussed, and enable sustainable business practices, developing a green economy. It is linked to the Falkland Islands Chamber of Commerce Climate Pledge. The Business Development Team work closely with clients to develop the best and most appropriate funding packages. To ensure completion, some projects may require funding that combines both grant and loan elements, or a combination of grants.
Follow the link for details on all grants and loans available:
If you have queries or would like to arrange a meeting please complete the contact form on the website, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 27211
Tourism Business Grant Schemes – FITB
All tourism related businesses are eligible, including sole traders, partnerships, and incorporated companies. Proposals may be for the establishment of a new business or for enhancing an existing one.
Multiple applications are permitted; however, businesses are limited to the maximum grant fund per annum (July to June). Please note that the application must be made before any costs are incurred, as retrospective applications will not be considered.
Please select the grant type you wish to apply for (separate application forms for multiple grants). For more information or any queries, please contact us on telephone (+500) 22215 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Information and application of the FITB grants available are on this website:
Antarctic Research Trust Habitat Restoration Grants
ART grants for habitat restoration projects are for individuals interested in restoring and creating areas of native habitats for the benefit of people, wildlife and plants on islands that are ungrazed by livestock.
Grants are available for;
- purchase of commercially frown native plants
- labour required for planting native plants
Grants are awarded on the understanding that the works for which the funding has been approved will be completed within 12 months from the date of signing, that the restoration areas are located on islands without livestock, that they will not be grazed, and that they will be managed for the benefit of people, wildlife and native plants.