Registry Services

Renewal of Registration of Patents


Relevant legislation is the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Ordinance 1930 (“The Ordinance”).


Renewal Process


Section 7 of the Ordinance states:

‘All renewals of letters patent in the United Kingdom of a patent registered under this Ordinance shall be notified to the Registrar General, who shall, on sufficient evidence thereof and on payment of a fee ... enter the same in the Register in the prescribed manner.’

In order to renew a patent registered in the Falkland Islands a copy of the IPsum report from the Intellectual Property Office must be sent to the Registrar General (via post or email) evidencing that the patent has been renewed in the United Kingdom. Once registered in the Falkland Islands, the renewal will commence from the date of renewal in the United Kingdom.



  1. First Renewal of a patent - £104.50
  2. Further renewal of a patent - £63.00


Please use the following details to make your payment:


F I Government - 002003344000 - Reference: Registry 04520131


The Falkland Islands Government are now able to facilitate overseas payments being made into their account held with Lloyds Bank, City Office Branch.

Please ensure to use the reference Registry 0452-0131, so payments can be allocated correctly.


Please use the following details to make your payment:


Account Name:


Account Number:


Sort Code:





GB39 LOYD 3080 1215 7523 68

Bank Address

PO Box 1000




If you have any queries please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (+500) 27271