Companies registered within the Falkland Islands
Please see the below list of companies that are currently registered within the Falkland Islands, this includes the Company Number, Name and Incorporation Date.
If you have any queries please contact
Company No |
Company Name |
Incorporation Date & Document |
17210 |
Adderstone Falkland Islands (Construction) Limited |
20.11.2024 | |
07028707 |
Agility DGS UK Limited (branch) |
24.09.2009 |
17160 |
Air Rescue Falkland Islands Limited |
14.08.2024 | |
15897 |
Ajax Engineering Limited |
14.02.2018 |
16340 |
AJ Stevedores Limited |
30.06.2020 |
15033 |
Alison Baker Accountancy Limited |
15.10.2013 |
9256777 |
Aquila Air Traffic Management Services Limited (branch) |
09.10.2014 |
15015 |
Arch Henderson Atlantic Limited |
06.09.2013 |
10537 |
Argos Exploration Limited |
01.11.1995 |
12360 |
Argos Group Limited |
27.03.2002 |
8442 |
Argos Limited |
23.08.1988 |
10068 |
Argos Marine Limited |
07.04.1994 |
9338 |
Argos Pereira Limited |
27.09.1991 |
10605 |
Argos Resources Limited |
12.12.1995 |
15882 |
Argos Warehousing Limited |
04.01.2018 |
11420 |
Arneles Fishing Limited |
29.09.1998 |
16606 |
Atlantic Catch Limited |
12.10.2021 |
14919 |
Atlink Limited |
26.02.2013 |
14800 |
Austral Biodiversity Limited |
09.08.2012 |
16638 |
Austral Harvest Limited |
31.12.2021 |
16582 |
BE Services Limited |
20.08.2021 |
10456 |
Beagle Fishing Company Limited |
15.08.1995 |
12777 |
Beauchene Fishing Company Limited |
12.11.2003 |
16547 |
Biggs Limited |
01.07.2021 |
15933 |
Bleaker Island Limited |
06.04.2018 |
15769 |
Bluegrass Accounting Limited |
08.06.2017 |
11907 |
Bluff Cove Limited |
31.05.2000 |
14011 |
Bold Ventures Fishing Company Limited |
06.11.2008 |
16214 |
Bright Beginnings Limited |
24.10.2019 |
00551102 |
Bristow Helicopters Limited (branch) |
03.12.2014 |
- |
14458 |
Byron Fishing Limited |
11.01.2011 |
10417 |
Byron Holdings Limited |
29.06.1995 |
9419 |
Byron Marine Limited |
06.02.1992 |
10902 |
Byron Ship Management Limited |
15.10.1996 |
15819 |
C&R Constructions Limited |
21.08.2017 |
16187 |
C&R Lettings Limited |
28.08.2019 |
13809 |
Cantray Limited |
18.12.2008 |
14138 |
Cape Dolphin Limited |
26.05.2009 |
9671 |
Capricorn Limited |
26.11.1992 |
16899 |
Carancho Limited |
22.06.2023 |
14990 |
CGL (Falklands) Limited |
02.07.2013 |
15275 |
Chartres River Holdings Limited |
03.03.2015 |
3794 |
Chartres Sheep Farming Company Limited |
04.05.1961 |
10024 |
Consolidated Fisheries Limited |
09.03.1994 |
8345 |
Darwin Harbour Sports Association Limited |
22.02.1988 |
2733 |
Dean Brothers Limited |
05.12.1950 |
13384 |
Decor Services Limited |
15.06.2006 |
15983 |
Desire Cabinetry Limited |
25.07.2018 |
16115 |
Diomedea Limited |
29.04.2019 |
11145 |
Dragon Fishing & Trading Company Limited |
24.09.1997 |
16559 |
Dragon Maritime Consultants Limited (was Falkland Islands Training Services Limited) |
20.07.2021 | |
17098 |
Dragon Maritime Services Limited | 29.04.2024 | |
17088 |
D & L Ventures Limited | 12.04.2024 | 17088 - Certificate of Incorporation - 12.04.2024 Created: 2024-04-15 15:10:57 | Size: 31.76 KB
16822 |
D & R Stevedores Limited |
06.02.2023 |
12942 |
E B F Limited |
25.06.2004 |
15818 |
Ecolog Falklands Limited |
16.08.2017 |
11982 |
Energise Group Limited |
15.08.2000 |
13034 |
Engage Limited |
15.10.2013 |
13533 |
Erebus Limited |
01.02.2007 |
9938 |
Eurofishing Limited |
29.09.1989 |
8254 |
Falkland Construction Limited |
17.07.1987 |
15077 |
Falkland Islands Adventist Educational Association Limited |
27.01.2014 |
11728 |
Falkland Islands Chamber of Commerce |
07.10.1999 |
16117 |
Falkland Islands Distillers Limited |
10.05.2019 |
16576 |
Falkland Islands Hockey Association |
11.08.2021 |
14692 |
Falkland Islands Legal Services Limited |
08.03.2012 |
12825 |
Falkland Islands Meat Company |
24.12.2003 |
16320 |
Falkland Islands National Sports Council | 12.05.2020 | |
4102 |
Falkland Islands Shipping Limited |
13.07.1963 |
14393 |
Falkland Islands Television Limited |
06.09.2010 |
15916 |
Falkland Islands Whiskey Limited | 08.03.2018 | |
12913 |
Falkland Oil & Gas Limited |
27.06.2016 |
11780 |
Falkland Security Services Limited |
15.12.1999 |
3661322 |
Falklands Conservation (Branch) |
04.11.1998 |
- |
16235 |
Falklands Cricket Limited |
03.12.2019 |
13129 |
Falklands Fish Farming Limited |
14.04.2005 |
11586 |
Falklands Fresh Limited |
26.05.1999 |
17035 |
Falklands Gun Club | 19.12.2023 | |
15815 |
Falklands Helicopter Services Limited |
06.08.2017 |
15152 |
Falklands Post Service Limited |
08.07.2014 |
12479 |
Ferralemes Limited |
24.10.2002 |
17010 |
FI Business Services Limited | 09.11.2023 | |
8125 |
FIBOW Limited |
21.11.1986 |
13885 |
FIKO Limited |
30.04.2008 |
15994 |
FI-Nomad Limited |
13.08.2018 |
16728 |
Fitzroy Fishing Company Limited | 07.06.2022 | |
15076 |
Flame Out Fire Services Limited |
17.01.2014 |
8177 |
Fortuna Limited |
05.03.1987 |
16727 |
Frank Wild Fishing Company Limited |
07.06.2022 |
4206095 |
G3 Systems Limited (Branch) |
26.04.2001 |
16019 |
G&K Services Limited |
18.10.2018 |
10240 |
Galfishing Limited |
05.10.1994 |
16634 |
Galmar Limited |
15.12.2021 |
13084 |
Georgia Seafoods Limited |
27.01.2005 |
17122 |
G M Construction Limited | 10.06.2024 | |
14233 |
Golden Sea Limited |
01.12.2009 |
10972 |
Golden Touza Limited |
12.12.1996 |
8374 |
Goodwin Limited |
28.04.1988 |
16148 |
Green Hound Limited |
05.07.2019 |
16725 |
Groovy's Limited |
01.06.2022 |
17211 | Hans Hansson Limited | 21.11.2024 | |
16147 |
Holdfast Marine Services Limited |
04.07.2019 |
16823 |
House Of Ruff Limited |
06.02.2023 | |
10829 |
Ian Stewart Construction Limited |
01.07.1996 |
10808 |
Igueldo Fisheries (F.I) Co. Limited |
07.06.1996 |
10401 |
International Tours & Travel Limited |
02.06.1995 |
14977 |
Jay Moffatt Ventures Limited |
20.06.2013 |
9411 |
JK (Marine) Limited |
08.01.1992 |
16729 |
John Byron Fishing Company Limited |
07.06.2022 |
16730 |
John Davis Fishing Company Limited |
07.06.2022 |
14328 |
John Street Registrars Limited |
07.06.2010 |
10455 |
Jupiter Fishing Company (1995) Limited |
08.08.1995 |
1840474 |
Kaitiaki O Ngahere Limited - Trading As Indigena Biosecurity International (Branch) |
21.06.2022 |
12480 |
Kalamar Limited |
24.10.2002 |
17166 | KAPS Limited | 11.09.2024 | |
16122 |
KDF Plant Hire Limited | 24.05.2019 | |
11595 |
Kelper Stores Limited |
02.01.1992 |
11908 |
Kevin Kilmartin Limited |
31.05.2000 |
9937 |
KTV Limited |
29.11.1993 |
15720 |
Latitude 51s 59w | 13.04.2017 | |
16731 |
Larus Dominicanus Limited |
07.06.2022 |
9563 |
Lifestyles Limited |
22.09.1989 |
16120 |
Lomas (Falklands) Limited |
16.05.2019 |
14253 |
Marmont Row Management Limited |
19.01.2010 |
14996 |
Martech Falklands Limited |
23.07.2013 |
13737 |
McLee Limited |
22.08.2007 |
17233 |
MD Hospitality Limited |
16.12.2024 | |
14361 |
Medica South Limited |
13.07.2010 |
17212 |
Meredian Limited |
21.11.2024 | |
13150 |
Millers Limited |
30.05.2005 |
2574880 |
Mitie (Defence) Limited (branch) |
10.03.2021 |
- |
124080C (IOM) |
Moore Dixon Limited (branch) |
27.10.2009 | - |
17164 |
Moore Dixon Limited |
14.08.2024 | |
071416C (IOM) |
Moore Dixon Consulting Limited (branch) |
19.12.1994 |
- |
15915 | Moore Dixon Properties Limited (was San Carlos Trading Company Limited, was Tumbledown Whisky Limited) | 06.12.2023 | 15915 - Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name Created: 2025-02-04 14:56:15 | Size: 82.13 KB
8138246 |
Navitas Petroleum Development and Production Limited (Branch) |
11.10.2012 |
- |
13557 |
NCB Solutions Limited |
01.03.2007 |
11035 |
Neil McKay Limited |
29.04.1997 |
16704 |
NGF Limited |
20.04.2022 |
10239 |
Nores Marine Limited |
30.09.1994 |
17222 |
Northern Ranger Limited |
25.11.2024 | |
11785 |
Orion Fishing Company Limited |
04.01.2000 |
16451 |
P&E Limited |
22.01.2021 |
15153 |
P&N Real Estate Limited |
09.07.2014 |
13800 |
Paget Limited |
07.12.2007 |
14927 |
Pale Maiden Consulting Limited |
20.03.2013 |
16726 |
Peaks Haulage Limited |
01.06.2022 |
15023 |
Pegasus Limited |
13.09.2013 |
9344 |
Petrel Fishing Company Limited |
11.10.1991 |
13390 |
Pharos Marine Limited |
26.06.2006 |
13818 |
Phipps & Co (Falklands) Limited |
21.01.2008 |
12809 |
Pioneer Illex Limited |
03.12.2003 |
11418 |
Pioneer Seafoods Limited |
29.09.1998 |
16423 |
Polar Seafish Limited |
26.11.2020 |
16406 |
Polar Seafish Holdings Limited |
04.11.2020 |
8228 |
Port Howard Farm Limited |
20.05.1987 |
14405 |
Port Smyley Limited |
06.10.2010 |
17024 |
PSH Chartering Limited | 30.11.2023 | |
11627 |
Prion Limited |
19.07.1999 |
10954 |
Quark Fishing Limited |
22.11.1996 |
3659970 |
Ramboll UK Limited (Branch) |
08.02.2022 |
- |
14236 |
RBC Holdings Limited |
10.12.2009 |
12091 |
RBC Limited |
20.12.2000 |
16679 |
Recruitment & Manpower Solutions Limited | 01.03.2022 | |
5072 |
R M Pitaluga & Company Limited | 05.03.1970 | |
13107 |
Rockhopper Exploration (Oil) Limited |
15.03.2005 |
11685 |
RSK Falkland Islands Limited |
27.09.1999 |
15050 |
S&C Construction & Maintenance Services Limited |
27.11.2013 |
15775 |
SAERI (Falklands) Limited |
27.06.2017 |
8126 |
Seafish (Falklands) Limited |
21.11.1986 |
11180 |
Seafish Chandlery Limited |
28.07.1995 |
17022 |
Seafish Vessel Chartering Limited | 30.11.2023 | |
17034 |
SeaLion Investment Limited | 19.12.2023 | 17034 - Certificate of Incorporation - 19.12.2023 Created: 2023-12-21 11:07:07 | Size: 24.43 KB
17132 |
Seaquest Cruising Limited | 21.06.2024 | |
13782 |
Seaview Logistics Limited |
06.11.2007 |
9016 |
Seaview Limited |
19.12.1990 |
15580279 |
SFI Development Limited (branch) | 15.05.2024 | |
8740 |
SFS Navegantes Limited |
23.11.1989 |
15857 |
SGF Limited |
06.11.2017 |
17023 |
SHW Chartering Limited | 30.11.2023 | |
14955 |
Shallow Marine Surveys Group Limited |
25.04.2013 |
11229 |
Shorty's Diner Limited |
04.03.1998 |
12378 |
Shorty's Motel Limited |
06.05.2002 |
16407 |
Silverstream Holdings (East) Limited |
04.11.2020 |
16408 |
Silverstream Holdings (West) Limited |
04.11.2020 |
16411 |
Silverstream Maritime Limited |
06.11.2020 |
16051 |
Skypix Falklands Limited |
12.12.2018 |
13123 |
South American Atlantic Service Limited |
05.04.2005 |
14765 |
South Atlantic Construction Company Limited |
05.06.2012 |
17234 |
South Atlantic Laboratories Limited |
17.12.2024 | |
7761 |
South Atlantic Marine Services Limited |
14.01.1985 |
11099 |
South Atlantic Squid Limited |
06.08.1997 |
15650 |
South Atlantic Support Services Limited |
13.12.2016 |
4960259 |
South Atlantic Trading Limited (Branch) |
11.11.2003 |
- |
12808 |
Southeastern Fisheries Limited |
03.12.2003 |
14082 |
Southern Bold Falkland Islands Limited |
20.02.2009 |
7992 |
Southern Cross Limited |
01.04.1986 |
11169 |
Southern Star Fisheries Limited |
06.11.1997 |
15770 |
Southern Stevedores & Logistics Company Limited |
12.06.2017 |
14083 |
Southern Ventures Falkland Islands Limited |
23.02.2009 |
12807 |
Southwestern Fisheries Limited |
03.12.2003 |
966425 |
Standard Chartered Bank (branch) |
1983 |
- |
9157 |
Standard Shipping Limited |
11.07.1989 |
8778 |
Stanley Electrical Limited |
28.05.1987 |
16126 |
Stanley Golf Club |
04.06.2019 |
8235 |
Stanley Growers Limited |
29.05.1987 |
12998 |
Stanley Kids Zone |
31.08.2004 |
15544 |
Stanley Readymix Limited |
21.07.2016 |
17114 |
Stanley Secure Storage Limited | 23.05.2024 | |
8257 |
Stanley Services Limited |
23.07.1987 |
8324 |
Stanley Sports Association Limited |
23.12.1987 |
15941 |
Stepping Stones Limited |
02.08.2018 |
8230 |
Stevedore & Fishery Services Limited |
21.05.1987 |
16749 |
Stromness Holdings Limited |
12.07.2022 |
15708 |
Sulivan Chartering Services Limited |
31.03.2017 |
8749 |
Sulivan Shipping Services Limited |
22.09.1989 |
14993 |
Sure South Atlantic Limited |
14.11.2006 |
10538 |
Synergy Information Systems Limited |
02.11.1995 |
16427 |
T4 Automotive Limited |
03.12.2020 |
11851 |
T4FF Limited |
20.03.2000 |
591234 |
The Falkland Islands Company Limited (branch) |
09.07.1902 |
- |
9483 |
The Falkland Islands Fish Company Limited |
09.04.1992 |
13489 |
The Falkland Islands Wool Company Limited |
22.11.2006 |
16095 |
The Falklander Limited | 27.03.2019 | |
16904 |
The Falklander Travel Limited | 28.06.2023 | |
11556 |
The Gift Shop Limited |
18.03.1985 |
15609 |
Trant Falkland Islands Limited |
25.10.2016 |
17117 |
Trivaeo FI Limited | 31.05.2024 | |
15534 |
Tumbledown Consulting Limited |
12.07.2016 |
14554 |
Unicorn Adventure Limited |
08.07.2011 |
16210 |
United Isles Maritime Ventures Limited |
17.10.2019 |
16083 |
Unity Marine Limited |
13.03.2019 |
16620 |
Valle Limited |
30.11.2021 |
16397 |
VolkerFitzpatrick (Falklands) Limited |
20.10.2020 |
8435 |
Waverley Corporate Services Limited | 10.08.1988 | |
16696 |
Waverley Law Limited |
23.03.2022 |
13844 |
Wickham Heights Limited |
18.03.2008 |
15786 |
Wild Falklands Limited |
07.07.2017 |
12464 |
Workboat Services Limited |
09.10.2002 |
16432 |
Yolks4folks Limited |
14.12.2021 |
16405 |
101 Maritime Consultancy Company |
04.11.2020 |
15932 |
60 South Limited |
06.04.2018 |