Registry Services



Registrar General's Extraordinary Licence


Section 24 – Extraordinary Licences by the Registrar General

1) Subject to this section, the Registrar General ay grant an extraordinary licence authorising the solemnisation in the Falkland Islands of the marriage between the persons named in that licence.

2) The Registrar General shall only grant the extraordinary licence if they are satisfied that one or both of the parties to the proposed marriage to which the licence relates is in imminent danger of death.

3) Subject to subsection (4), sections 9 to 14 and 16 to 20 in the Ordinance apply in respect of marriages solemnised or intended to be solemnised by authority of an extraordinary licence.

4) The person applying for the grant of an extraordinary licence shall give notice of marriage as required in section 9 of this ordinance, incorporating the declaration required by section 10, but instead of giving notice of the intended time and place of marriage under section 9 (3) (b) where the marriage is solemnised by or in the presence of the Registrar may state that the marriage is desired to be authorised by an extraordinary licence.

5) Where notice of marriage has already been given under section 9, with the intention that it shall be solemnised under the authority of a licence granted by the Registrar General under section 15, either of the parties to the proposed marriage may request the Registrar General to grant an extraordinary licence under the section and subject to subsection (6) the Registrar General if they are satisfied that one or both parties is in imminent danger of death may grant that licence.

6) An extraordinary licence may not be granted under this section –

a) If the Registrar General believes that there is any lawful impediment to the marriage
b) If the marriage has been and continues to be forbidden pursuant to section 14 of this Ordinance

7) A marriage may not be solemnised under the authority of a licence granted under this section after the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the grant of the licence.

Regulation 6 Applications for extraordinary licence

Where it is desired that a marriage shall be solemnised pursuant to an extraordinary licence there shall be lodged with the Registrar General prior to the grant of such licence, an application in form 4 and a medical certificate or other evidence satisfactory to the Registrar General that one or both of the parties is in imminent danger of death.

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