Registry Services

Searches & Certificates


To complete a search of the birth register, the fee is £41.80 (proportion of hourly rate to be paid for every hour).

If you wish to complete a search please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (+500) 27271.

If you wish to request a copy of a birth certificate, please complete and submit the form below.

The fee is £10.50 per copy, further copies requested will be charged at £1.00 per copy.


Please use the following details to make your payment:

F I Government - 002003344000 - Reference: Registry 04520131

The Falkland Islands Government are now able to facilitate overseas payments being made into their account held with Lloyds Bank, City Office Branch.

Please ensure to use the reference Registry 04520131, so payments can be allocated correctly.


Please use the following details to make your payment:

Account Number: 15752368
Sort Code:      30-80-12
BIC:     LOYDGB21F09
IBAN:  GB39 LOYD 3080 1215 7523 68

Bank Address:

PO BOX 1000



If you have any queries please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (+500) 27271

Request for copy of a Birth Certificate
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