Welcome to the Registry Services
Joint Service
The opening hours for the enquiries hatch will be changing to the following:
Monday to Friday: 09:30am to 11.30am and 1:30pm to 3:00pm
The primary function of the counter is to take payments and allow for the filing of documents.
Should any member of the public be unable to visit the counter during the revised opening hours then please contact the department to arrange an appointment.
For Registry services please email
For Courts and Tribunal services please email
or call 27271.
Please note, both departments are able to accept payments via SCB transfer. If you require information about how to do this please contact the relevant department.
Registry Service
The Registry Service is pleased to announce the launch of their ‘digital by default’ service. Over the past few months, a large volume of work has been undertaken to make the Registry website as user friendly and helpful as possible and place user convenience at the heart of the service. Members of the public are now able to access Registry forms and information on the website at their own convenience.
From Monday 2nd May 2022, the Registry will only be accepting company documents electronically. Forms will be updated on the website to ensure this process is as smooth as possible.
Requests for company searches can be made via the registry website or by emailing the team.
Registrations of Births, Deaths, Marriages & Civil Partnerships
Registrations of Births, Deaths, Marriages & Civil Partnerships will be via appointment only. Drop in appointments will no longer be available, except in exceptional circumstances. Please email or ‘phone to make an appointment with a member of the team.
Copies of certificates
Please request copies of certificates via the service website. If you are unable to access the website, copies of the form to request a copy of a certificate may be requested by ‘phoning or emailing the team.
To register any documents relating to Land, please send the correct number of copies to the Registry Office via post. The documents will be processed within 5 working days and returned to you.
Other services
All other services will operate on an appointment only basis. Please phone or email the team to make an appointment.
Registry Fees:
Please see the Registry Fee Document below for more information.