Directorate of Policy, Economy & Corporate Services

Public Consultation on Amendments to VSAT Policy

The survey will remain open for 5 weeks from 10 March to 11 April 2025


What is this consultation about?

Executive Council has directed that the public should be consulted on the changes FIG is proposing to make to the policy that guides the issuing of VSAT licences.

The policy was originally set in 2016 and endorsed in 2019. The recent community petition and Select Committee process identified a strong wish for the policy (including the fee level) to be changed to allow people more opportunity to apply for a VSAT licence.

This consultation is specifically on the sections of the current policy that FIG believes need to be updated to allow for VSAT licences to be issued on the terms recommended by the Select Committee – that is, less strict application criteria, and cheaper for the applicant.

This consultation is not about any particular provider – the policy applies to anybody applying for a VSAT licence, whether that is to allow them to access Starlink services or any other VSAT services. This means that this consultation isn’t about ‘allowing’ Starlink. Separate work is being done by the Regulator to process an application from Starlink, if they choose to apply.


What will FIG do with my responses?

FIG will use the responses to this consultation to consider the exact wording of the revised policy and present a proposed final version to Executive Council for a decision on whether to implement it.

Officers will consider all responses and analyse the opinions expressed to determine what changes may be proposed to the current draft. All responses to this consultation will also be provided to Executive Council so that Members can see the range and scale of responses.

All responses will be kept anonymous and will not be identifiable as coming from any individual. All respondents are reminded not to include identifying information in their answers, unless you wish to be identified.


How to respond:

For ease of reference, the proposed new policy rationale for the issuing of VSAT licences, along with an explanation of what each section means, is available for download here: The proposed new policy rationale

To respond, you can complete:

  • an online survey that can be accessed here: Link to online survey
  • Or: an editable PDF version of the survey available here - you can email your completed survey to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Or: a paper version of the survey available in Stanley Post Office, along with a box for completed responses.

The survey is also available in Spanish, Shona and Tagalog on request: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any queries about the consultation, please contact Becky Clark by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling the Development and Commercial Services office on 27040.