Directorate of Policy, Economy & Corporate Services

Water Quality Test Results for Stanley Harbour and Rookery Bay



It is advised due to coliform bacteria levels exceeding Blue Flag Standards, the public do not swim in or ingest water in Stanley Harbour between the Beaver Hanger in west Stanley and FIPASS until advised otherwise.

There are no advisories in place for Rookery Bay or Whale Bone Cove.


The Environment Department carry out regular water testing at six locations, five around the Stanley Harbour and one at Rookery Bay, and this website is updated following receipt of test results. Water testing is carried out to establish whether pollution may be occurring and to assess water quality against Blue Flag Beach Criteria standards for recreational use, listed below, and consederation to World Health Organisation guidlines for safe recreational water environments. Water samples are tested for Escherichia coli and Intestinal Enterococci levels, their presence can indicate sewage contamination in the water alongside other potentially harmful organisms which could cause illness from polluted water.


Latest Results

Date of last test:  24 June 2024

  Whalebone Cove East Stanley South Monument South Moody Brook Stanley North Rookery Bay Canache
Coliform 7 63 1400 50

Not tested

84 4
E. Coli


27 800 2 Not tested 24 0
Enterococci 1 4 30 1 Not tested 7 3


Numbers in red exceed the Blue Flag Standards limit

Blue Flag Coastal and Transitional Water Limit Values

 Parameter  Limit
 Coliform  250 cfu/100 ml
 E. Coli  250 cfu/100 ml 
 Enterococci  100 cfu/100 ml


Map of sample locations

20230815 Water tests Locations