If you are considering making a flight to the Falkland Islands, then this is where you can find some information to help you.

All* aircraft entering Falkland Islands Airspace with the intent to land, or just overfly/transit the airspace, will require a Foreign Operator Permit. You must apply to the Falkland Islands Civil Aviation Department (FICAD) for this Permit.

All flights are assumed to be commercial until determined otherwise, therefore pilots/operators of all prospective flights must submit an application for a Foreign Operator's Permit before an assessment can be made and a permission granted where it is appropriate to do so.

Short Term Foreign Operator Permit (up to 14 days)

Short Term permits can be issued for ad-hoc flights, for example; Charter Flights, Air Ambulance Flights and Cargo transport flights (Landing or Transit). With the exception of medical flights, pilots/operators must submit applications 14 + days prior to the proposed flight date.

A long term arrangement to fly to and from the Falklands (beyond 14 days) will require a Seasonal Permit – please see information further down this page.

Short Term permits can be applied for by completing an application form, and returning it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the documents noted in the application form. The form is below.

Short Term Foreign Operator Permit - Application Form
Created: 2024-02-02 | Size: 183.3 KB

We also provide an information sheet which should answer many of the questions that you may have.  This sheet is below.

Foreign Operator Permit - Information sheet
Created: 2023-11-08 | Size: 194.56 KB


Letter of Permission - Private Flights

Private flights where no valuable consideration has been exchanged or promised for Carriage of Passengers or Cargo will be issued with a letter of permission mitigating the assumption that the flight is of a commercial nature. This letter should be carried on the flight and be made available on request.  Pilots must submit applications 14 + days prior to the proposed flight date.

Please use the 'Short Term Application' and Information Sheet above for private flight applications. 


Prior Permission Required (PPR)

If you are permitted to enter and land in the Falklands, whether the flight is commercial or private, then you must obtain PPR from either of the two airports that accept international flights.  In some circumstances we may ask you to check first that the airport can accommodate you, before processing the application. The contacts for the two airports are below:

Stanley Airport (SFAL): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mount Pleasant (EGYP): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Seasonal Foreign Operator Permits **

Airlines operating scheduled flights will do so in line with the respective Air Services Agreement (ASA) between the UK & the country where the service will originate. An Airline may be required to be 'Designated' by its Home State under the terms of the relevant ASA in order to operate the permitted services and it is the responsibility of the operator to ensure such a designation is in order. This also applies to aircraft that only wish to transit/overfly. Time taken to process applications for Seasonal Permits varies depending on the complexity of the application. Operators should make contact with FICAD at the earliest opportunity. The seasonal application form can be found below:

Foreign Operator Permit - Seasonal Application Form
Created: 2024-06-19 | Size: 56.76 KB


* Aircraft registered in the United Kingdom (UK) and any of the UK Overseas Territories will not require a Foreign Operator Permit, however those pilots/operators must still contact FICAD with details of the flights and PPR for the airport of choice is still required

**There are charges for seasonal permits, and these are the fees as of July 2024:-

Aircraft with 20 seats or less, or cargo aircraft with MTO 5,700kg or less - £353.00 for 6 month permit.

Aircraft with more than 20 seats, or cargo aircraft with MTO greater than 5,700kg - £881.00 for 6 month permit.


If you can not find the information that you require here, then please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.