Drones in the Falklands

The popularity of drones (also referred to as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUAs) ) is growing; all around the world, owners are now being advised to pay more attention to safety issues.

The Falkland Islands are a UK Overseas Territory, this means that the legislation regarding the use of drones is laid down in Article 73 of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 2013. For more information on the AN(OT)O and to access Article 73, please visit the following link: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/2870/article/73/made 

People flying these unmanned aircraft should understand that they are subject to aviation rules and should not treat the devices as harmless gadgets or toys. Drones should not be flown within 150 feet of people, vehicles, vessels or buildings, and must not be flown within the boundary of airports or airfields. Whilst drones are only relatively small in size, they do pose a significant collision risk to other aircraft if they are not flown sensibly. If you are intending on flying your drone you must contact  Stanley Airport and Mount Pleasant Airport beforehand using the details on this page before doing so. It is important that all aerial users are aware of drone actviity.

Facebook | Drone Safe Falklands
Drone Safe Falklands |   Facebook

The Falkland Islands Civil Aviation Department stresses that users must take personal responsibility when flying unmanned aircraft and abide by the rules. We have also published a number of documents to inform members of the public of the rules and laws concerning drone use within the Falkland Islands. The Information Sheet and Application Form can be found below and our leaflets can be found on the Downloads page.

 drones 01

We have an information sheet, and some leaflets to help you to understand the legislation and requirements for SUA/drone use in the Falkland Islands.  Please read the information sheet before making any flights, to ensure that you are flying in accordance with the requirements.

Operation of SUA - Information Sheet - August 2024
Created: 2024-08-02 | Size: 208.76 KB
SUA - General Public - Information Leaflet November 2023
Created: 2023-11-10 | Size: 213.09 KB
SUA - Commercial Use - Leaflet - October 2022
Created: 2022-10-12 | Size: 3 MB
Drone awareness poster
Created: 2022-10-12 | Size: 350.41 KB

We have also reproduced our information leaflets in Spanish, but please be aware that these are not the most recent editions, as we have not yet had the new versions translated.  Most of the information is still correct though.

SUA - General public leaflet - Spanish
Created: 2023-11-21 | Size: 2.68 MB
SUA - Commercial use leaflet - Spanish
Created: 2023-11-21 | Size: 5.08 MB

If you believe you may need a Permission issued by the Director of Civil Aviation please read the Operation of SUA Information Sheet and complete the SUA Application Form.  Please return completed Application Forms to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Operation of SUA - Application form - September 2024
Created: 2024-09-19 | Size: 91.21 KB

Operation of SUA - Information Sheet - August 2024
Created: 2024-08-02 | Size: 208.76 KB

*Please note that there is a charge associated with the issuance of a Permission by the Director of Civil Aviation, this will either be GBP£55.00 per 3-month period or GBP£158.00 for 12 months.