Maritime Authority

Meteorological Information for Falkland Islands waters

Synoptic chart of the South Atlantic area

The Falkland Islands Maritime Authority is signatory to an agreement with the Met Office, based at the BFSAI MPA, who provide weather infomation on a daily basis for the areas of Stanley Harbour and the Falkland Islands Conservation Zone (FICZ). These are used for pre-planning of harbour movements and the FICZ forecast is broadcast daily at 0830 and 1605 LT on VHF CH 10 to vessels within radio reach of Stanley Harbour. Gale Warnings and Navigational Warnings are also broadcast on this frequency.

Weather information is broadcast daily on Falklands Radio, whose frequencies can be found here:

For further information on how weather forecasts are determined and on the work Met Office do please visit their website

Download their app, which can be found here Met Office weather app - Met Office or via your phones app store.


Met Office logo in black and white


Other useful weather sites:

World Meteorological Organisation

NOAA National Ocean Service
