Sources of Financial Assistance

The Falkland Island Government administers a number of different financial assistance schemes, all aimed at assisting those with lower income. A brief overview of the schemes can be seen below.


Family Allowance

Who Could Be Entitled: Family Allowance is paid monthly for a child up to the age of 16 years or until the end of the academic year in which a child turns 16 years, whichever is the later. To qualify for payment of family allowance the claimant must hold Falkland Islands Status or PRP or the child must have Falkland Islands Status or a parent/child have been ordinarily resident in the Falkland Islands for not less than three years immediately before payment of the allowance.

Maximum Possible Payment: £92.20 per month.

Who To Contact: The Treasury on 28412 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Assisted Pension Contributions

Who Could Be Entitled: Individuals who earn less than £342.80 per week, Individuals who are unable to work due to ill health, Individuals actively seeking Employment, Individuals entitled to family allowance, Individuals looking after a person in receipt of attendance allowance, Individuals aged over 21 and following a course of education or training, Individuals Self employed,Individuals In receipt of income support

Maximum Possible Payment: Pension credits of up to £43.08 per week from Jan 2024.

Who To Contact: Pensions on 28417 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Income Support

Who Could Be Entitled: Income support provides assistance for eligible people in financial need, and is intended to help them to move towards becoming more independent and self-sufficient. To be eligible for support, you must be: Aged 16 or over, ordinarily resident for a minimum of 3 years, and have the right to live and work in the Islands, have household savings which are not greater than £17,925, currently unemployed, on a low income, covered by a doctor's sick note, not eligible for the employment scheme.

Maximum Possible Payment: Up to £182 per week for a non-working person with one child, increasing for each subsequent child.

Who To Contact: Social Services on 27296.


Rent Rebate

Who Could Be Entitled: Rent rebates are available for those in FIG Housing or renting privately. You must be 18 years old or over. Household savings must not exceed £17,925 (this does not apply to sheltered housing tenants and their savings from sale of a previous property). Rent rebates are means tested, and the amount of the rebate will depend on your income.

Maximum Possible Payment: Up to 100% of your FIG rent.

Who To Contact:  Social Services on 27296.


Service Charge Rebate

Who Could Be Entitled: Service charge rebates are available to both FIG and private sector tenants, as well as home owners. You must be 18 years old or over.  Household savings must not exceed 17,925 (this does not apply to sheltered housing tenants and their savings from sale of a previous property).  Service charge rebates are means tested.

Maximum Possible Payment: 100% of service charge.

Who To Contact: Social Services on 27296.


Attendance Allowance

Who Could Be Entitled: Individuals with medical conditions which hinders them with day to day tasks. Payments may be made to the service user or their carer. Levels are dependent on disability e.g. terminal patients would receive highest rate.

Maximum Possible Payment: Up to £125.00 per week

Who To Contact: Social Services on 27296.


Winter Fuel Allowance

Who Could Be Entitled: Retirement Pensioners or persons in receipt of levels B and C Attendance Allowance. Ineligible if previous years income exceeded £18,385. For earners between £17,925 and £18,385 allowance will be only a percentage of full payment. For earners of less than £17,925 the full £916 allowance will be paid, either in one lump sum or in monthly instalments from July. For those in FIG sheltered accommodation the maximum allowance paid cannot exceed the FIG heating charge for that period.

Maximum Possible Payment: Up to £916.

Who To Contact:  Social Services on 27296


Employment Programme

Who Could Be Entitled: FI Status or PRP holders Individuals who have been unemployed (or earning less than £49.20 per week in part-time work) for 6 weeks or more. Payments are in return for participation in 20 hour per week work scheme.

Maximum Possible Payment: Up to £148.00 per week.

Who To Contact: Falkland College on 27133.