Our People

Government Officers

Financial Secretary – Pat Clunie

The prime function of the Financial Secretary, as Head of the Treasury, Commissioner of Taxation, and a member of both Legislative Assembly and Executive Council, is the formulation and evaluation of fiscal and economic policies and plans, and to ensure that the Government has sound and efficient procedures of financial and management control. The Financial Secretary is also Chairman of the Retirement Pensions Board of Management and is one of three Commissioners of Currency. 

Head of Finance – Steven Cannon

The Head of Finance is responsible for the operational management and oversight of the Treasury and for the provision of an efficient and effective accounting and exchequer service for the Falkland Islands Government. This includes the preparation, monitoring and control of the Government’s budget and the capital programme. The Head of Finance is also responsible for the preparation and publication of the final accounts in the role of Treasurer. The Head of Finance deputises for the Financial Secretary in her absence and is the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation.


Members of the Legislative Assembly

Portfolio Holder – The Hon. Roger Spink
Deputy Portfolio Holder – The Hon. Mark Pollard

More information on current of Members of the Legislative Assembly and their roles can be found at: www.fig.gov.fk/assembly.


To contact the Treasury please use the appropriate contact details from the Contact Us page. This will enable your communication to be directed to the correct officers and a response prepared as promptly as possible.

To contact the Financial Secretary directly please contact on +500 28400 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..