Welcome to Education Directorate
We are a passionate, creative and professional team that deliver education to all through the following areas:
- Infant and Junior School (IJS)
- Camp Education (CE)
- Falkland Island Community School (FICS)
- Stanley House
- Falkland College
- Falkland Islands Library Service
We provide Education to all age ranges through these establishments across the whole island, providing access to accredited courses, both in person and online.
In addition to this the Education Directorate also support learners in their post 16 and post 18 overseas education at a wide range of providers, the majority of which are based in the UK.
Our key functions are to:
- Strategically manage the delivery the Islands plan
- Ensure Education Ordinance meets the Islands needs
- Regulate childcare and administer the childcare subsidy scheme
- Shield- provision of the service for school leavers and adults with complex needs
- Deliver careers education in primary and secondary schools.
- Provide a careers service for Islanders.
- Provide community education
- Apprenticeships – manage the FI Apprenticeship Scheme and support apprentices both in the Islands and the UK
- Support the delivery of skills provision in the Islands
- Administer the delivery of Further Education and Higher Education regulations and policies
- Administer the Community Development Scheme
- Administer the Falkland Island work payment scheme
- Provide driving lessons and driving examinations