Public Health Unit

Current Projects

MPOWER – Tobacco and vaping controls

Through HMSC Agenda 22.02.2024.pdf ( we have proposed that the Falkland Islands adopt a best practice framework to assess, monitor use of tobacco products, and further strengthen legislation to extend to include new products such as electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) otherwise known as vapes. In addition, we propose that regulation further extends to vapes that do not contain nicotine as the worldwide evidence indicates that these products are marketed in such a way through a vast array of flavour profiles and colourful design to attract a youth demographic.

Increased regulation around these products will help to protect current and future generations from these addictive and harmful to health products. 


Next steps: An ExCo paper will be presented in July 2024 with an array of options for decision makers.

Anti-stigma mental health

In April 2024 we launched a pilot project in conjunction with Implemental - Improving mental health & wellbeing around the world and supported by the UK Government Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) with an aim of reducing stigma around mental health. Our project is part of a wider programme which is running across several UKOT’s.


The pilot projects are evidence based and are developed around core methods that have been demonstrated to work to reduce stigma.


These core methods are:

·       Foundational research through surveys, focus groups and audience insights

·       Development of media campaigns informed by the research

·       Recruitment, training and support to people who wish to come forward as Champions

·       Social contact events where Champions can be present

·       Evaluation to assess the impact of the overall project in reducing stigma in the community


During 2024 we are undertaking the foundational research and developing the evidence base to direct the media campaign.


We hope to be able to bring the trainers to the Islands in March 2025 to deliver the Champions Training. Thank you to everyone who came forward during the focus group sessions to express their interest in undertaking this.


To stay in touch or include your voice to the project please contact us  

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