Department of Mineral Resources


The Falkland Islands Government was pleased to announce the on-line publication of the laws of the Falkland Islands on 31st July 2017. This important publication achieves the Government’s Islands Plan object to improve access to the law, and reflects a vital commitment to uphold the rule of law in the Falkland Islands.  The publication will ensure that the fundamental rights and freedoms protected by our Constitution are supplemented by access to the law which compares favourably with the highest international standards.

*NOTE: Regarding Environmental Legislation the UK Environment Protection (Overseas Territories) Order 1988 was applied to the Falkland Islands by the Environment Protection (Overseas Territories)(Amendment) Order 1997. Although this order is largely similar to the Falkland Islands Marine Environment (Protection) Ordinance 1995 above, under the UK Colonial Laws Validity Act of 1865 if there is any contradiction between the two the UK legislation shall have precedence. For further guidance please contact the Department.