Falkland Islands Fisheries Department

Scientific Team

Scientific Fisheries Observer
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+500 27260
Martin Villarroel

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information:


I was born on Chiloe Island, southern Chile. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology at the Universidad Austral de Chile. 

Before my current position, I also worked as a scientific fisheries observer on a krill trawler for several months in Antarctic areas 48.1 & 48.2 under the CCAMLR scheme. I also spent one month on an oceanographic research cruise in Chile/Peru EEZs under the SHOA scheme.

Before becoming an observer, I had short experiences in other fields such as artisanal fishing, conservation NGOs (volunteering and an internship), aquaculture (internship), and the last and current fisheries science, which is my primary work interest along with nature photography, my hobby.

I joined FIFD as a Scientific Fisheries Observer in January 2024.


Villarroel-Perez, Martin. (2021). Historia de la Ostra chilena (Ostrea chilensis Philippi, 1845). Sociedad Malacologica de Chile. https://smach.cl/historia-de-la-ostra-chilena/