Falkland Islands Fisheries Department

Scientific Team

Cephalopod Scientist
+500 27260
Dr. Irina Chemshirova

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information:


Background & Qualifications

I completed my undergraduate studies at Imperial College London, reading Biology. During my BSc I was able to do a year-long placement with the Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society London. During that year I worked on a project assessing the impact of trawling for the Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off the west coast of Greenland. Subsequently, I undertook a Masters by Research in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, also at Imperial College London, which consisted of two 6-month research projects. The first project I worked on quantified the regeneration and deforestation of the Atlantic Forest in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The second project I was involved in looked at how reciprocal subsidies varied with temperature in the geothermal valley of Hengill, Iceland.

Prior to working as an observer, I was a Scientific Copy Editor for various medical journals in London.

Research Interests

As evident from my background I have a wide range of interests and skills. However, I am particularly interested in understanding how successful management of natural resources can promote sustainability, more specifically in the marine environment.


Chemshirova, I., Arkhipkin, A., Shaw, P.W. and McKeown, N.J., 2023. Integrated statolith and genomic analysis reveals high connectivity in the nektonic squid Illex argentinus: implications for management of an international cephalopod fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, p.fsad128.

Chemshirova, I., Hoving, H.-J., & Arkhipkin, A. (2021) Temperature effects on size, maturity, and abundance of the squid Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) on the Patagonian Shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 255: 107343

Yesson, C., Simon, P., Chemshirova, I., Gorham, T., Turner, C.J., Arboe, N.H., Blicher, M.E.,& Kemp, K.M. (2015). Community composition of epibenthic megafauna on the West Greenland Shelf. Polar Biology, 38(12), pp.2085-2096.