Following a competitive tender exercise, the Falkland Islands Government commissioned Workboat Services Ltd to carry out a survey of potential future demand for ferry and coastal shipping services across the Islands. This work began in October 2020 and involved analysing existing data about the usage of the ferry and coastal shipping services, a series of online questionnaires to ask users of the services about their views on current and future demand, face-to-face or telephone interviews, and workshops on both East and West Falkland.
The output from this work is a report which details the data analysis and feedback from service users that was captured via the questionnaires, interviews, and workshops. Both the full report as well as an Executive Summary of the findings are now available from the links below:

Looking ahead, the next stage of the work will be to look at the commercial options for Ferry and Coastal Shipping Services beyond the expiry of the current contract in March 2025. This work will begin in late 2022 and will build on the information gained from the Demand Study.