Capital Project
Capital Projects Press Releases
13 February 2020
Falklands announces partner to develop new port
The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) has selected a development partner to design and build a new port in Stanley Harbour.
After an extensive global procurement process, FIG is pleased to announce that it has agreed BAM Nuttall Ltd as its development partner, subject to successful conclusion of contract. The aim is for the contract to be agreed and signed by the end of March 2020.
FIG Chief Executive Barry Rowland said a new port is an indispensable asset to support the economy and enable ongoing future economic growth in the Falkland Islands.
“As is well known, the existing FIPASS facility is fast approaching the end of its life. Today’s exciting news is the first step in designing a new facility that can handle both our current needs, and our projected future demands.”
Development and Commercial Services portfolio holder, MLA Dr Barry Elsby, said there have been studies and reports into future port options over the past 20 years.
“I am therefore delighted that this Assembly has taken the decision to build the new port, and so deliver on the commitment in the Islands Plan.”
Martin Bellamy, Managing Director of BAM Nuttall Ltd said: “We are excited to be part of such a critical national infrastructure project for the Falkland Islands and we look forward to working together with the Falkland Islands Government and our team in designing and constructing the port that will serve as a new gateway to the Falkland Islands. It is our collective ambition that this project suits the needs of everyday life on the islands and can provide longer-term economic benefits.”
Tenderers were asked to review the most suitable location for a new port and propose their location as part of their tender returns. The new facility will be in the vicinity of the current port, offering new facilities that will benefit key users in the fishing, tourism and shipping sectors, as well as many other parts of the economy.
Early contractor involvement will allow designs to be developed collaboratively from the outset, involving the contractor from an early stage in seeking the best solutions to meet current and future demand.
The project will be split into three stages, with decision gateways between each stage. Upon successful agreement of the contract, the first stage will include stakeholder engagement, surveys, a demand study and Concept Design.
At the end of Concept Design, FIG Executive Council will review plans for detailed design stage and be asked to approve the costs and activity schedule for the next stage. The second stage will see agreement of Detailed Design, ending with another decision gateway for FIG to approve costs and plans for construction. The third stage will see a phased construction of the port.
Construction will be carefully programmed, and operations at FIPASS will be transferred to the new port part way through this stage, in order to ensure the port remains operational at all times. The project will conclude with de-commissioning and removal of FIPASS.
A public meeting is planned for when the BAM team arrives in the Islands, so that people can get an overview of the project, outline timescales, and the initial design proposals. Further details of this meeting, and stakeholder sessions, will be made available in the coming month.
31 May 2019
FIG issues tender for new port facility
Today the Falkland Islands Government has issued an Invitation to Tender (ITT) to the global construction market to select and appoint a preferred development partner for the design and construction of a new port facility.
For further information you can register at and then contact Alex McShane on 00500 28437 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will provide secure access to the Falkland Islands Government New Port Development ECI tender.
The tender will remain open for three months before closing on 30 August 2019.
This is the latest step in developing new port infrastructure for the Falkland Islands and enabling long term economic growth for Falkland Islands’ industries.
The procurement approach has been adopted to ensure that the Government can work with a preferred partner from the outset on the details of design, cost and planning processes.
It will also provide FIG with decision gateways so that designs and costs are reviewed at key stages before a final commitment to build is made.
Speaking of this latest development, Iain Robertson, Director of Development and Commercial Services, said: “We have been working closely with our technical advisors to make sure that our procurement method meets the highest standards of best practice and will give us the best possible opportunity to secure a partnership that not only understands the unique requirements of the Falkland Islands, but also the size of the opportunity.
“This development will be one of the largest in the history of the islands, which is why it is vital that we carry out all aspects of the procurement journey in a carefully managed way. This is an exciting step forward and one which will is vital to the health of our economy as it supports the growth of our fishing, imports and exports, tourism and scientific research.”
24 April 2019
ExCo approves next step in multi-purpose all-weather sports facility development.
The Executive Council has today approved the next step in the development of a new multi-purpose all-weather sports facility for the Falkland Islands. This follows a recent public consultation in which detailed responses from 215 recipients were received to help shape proposals for the new facility.
ExCo has agreed that the detailed design stage can now proceed which will involve defining the scope for the first phase of the development within the available budget. These designs will also factor in the potential to include additional sports in later phases of development if demand and further funding allows.
The Government will continue to engage with local sports bodies and associations as the project progresses in order to seek input on design features and costs for auxiliary equipment, as well as to optimise the opportunities for future-proofing the facility for further development.
Housing Development
The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) with the support of British Forces South Atlantic Islands (BFSAI) are seeking expressions of interest from developers and investors wanting to find out more about an ambitious range of housing development opportunities in the Falkland Islands. The immediate business opportunity is the provision of 70 new high quality houses within the next three years; 40 of these will be Government houses, with the remaining 30 for the Ministry of Defence. However, there are potentially further options that exist for companies to provide a wider range of services including facilities management, estate maintenance, large scale property refurbishments and upgrades. For more information on current and future business and investment opportunities.
20 March 2019
ExCo approves the procurement process and issues tender for the appointment of a preferred development partner for a new port facility
Today the Executive Council has approved a formal procurement process to issue an Invitation to Tender (ITT) to the global construction market to select and appoint a preferred development partner for the design, construction and potentially the operation of a new port facility. The tender will also invite bidders to submit funding options.
This follows a soft market test, completed in 2018, which aimed to draw interest from organisations interested in partnering with Government to develop new port infrastructure, possibly in phases, to meet the future economic demands of the Falkland Islands.
The procurement route will be to issue an ITT ‘Early Contractor Involvement’ process which involves selecting and engaging with a construction partner from the outset and throughout the development process. This approach will ensure that industry best practice, engineering, construction, technical knowledge and experience, are all factored into the design and cost planning processes at the earliest possible opportunity. It will also provide FIG with decision gateways so that designs and costs are reviewed at key stages before a final commitment to build is made.
Speaking of this development, MLA Barry Elsby, portfolio lead for Development and Commercial Services said: “This is a concrete step forwards in terms of progressing the delivery of the new port facility, essential to support the economic development of the Falkland Islands. This will be one of the largest capital projects in the history of the islands; for this reason we need to make sure that we understand the scope of the challenge as well as the opportunity ahead. To do this we have engaged with our professional experts and have chosen a recognised method of procurement that means we will be collaborating in a close partnership arrangement from the outset. I look forward to seeing the results of the procurement exercise in the months ahead.”
The aim is to issue the ITT in May for a 90-day tendering period. The procurement process will be managed by the Development and Commercial Services directorate.
National Sports Council - Multi-Purpose Sports Centre
After Exco, approval for the National Sports Council to deliver new multi-sports facilities on behalf of FIG, with FIG capital funds, a Development Agreement between the Falkland Islands Government and the National Sports Council was signed on the 27th April 2021. Following the agreement, the NSC began concept design with design support from a local firm, AJAX Engineering. In February 2022 Exco approved the Concept design for the new facility and authorised the NSC to move into the construction phase to deliver the facility. The proposals are set out in the Exco Paper below.
Exco Paper - 25-22p

The economy of the Falkland Islands depends upon marine access, and the Falkland Interim Port and Storage System (FIPASS) has provided that since 1984. New Port facilities are now required to serve both the needs of the traditional industries today and support economic growth. The overall Project objectives are:
- Develop a port to meet the needs of the Falkland Islands
- Replace FIPASS but allow continued operation of FIPASS until the new Port is available for use through a phased handover to the new port through simultaneous operations
- Flexibility to meet future needs
Governance of the project is through a gateway process, based on the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) Plan of Work, with oversight from a FIG Project Board and Executive Council. The project is to be divided into various packages of work including the phased replacement of the existing floating structure to be completed by 2027, in addition to the replacement of the existing causeway and a new access road.
Following ExCo approval, The Project Team are currently in the tender phase of the phased replacement of the existing floating structure. The Project Team are also conducting an options appraisal prior to going to tender for the replacement of the causeway and a new access road.
- Once contracts are awarded, following ExCo approval, we will preceed to Outline Design, Costs and Programme.
- FIG will review the above and a gateway decision will be taken to proceed to the next stage.
- The next stage will include Detailed Design and procurement activity for sub-contracts.
- Completion of each phase of the works will be according to the Programme, with gateways at key points for review.
The Project Team can be contacted at any time for more information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +500 27040.
Updated: 7th March 2023
The information on this site will be updated following an ExCo meeting in February 2024.
The Project Team can be contacted at any time for more information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +500 27040.
Updated: 4th December 2023